updated: 2.8.2010
Nabaztag choreographies contains led control and ear control. Each of the five leds can be controlled to have RGB values from 0-255. Ears can be moved to certain positions from 0x0 to 0x12 forwards or backwards. Also there is a possibility to move an ear forwards a certain step count. These files are made from three parts. First there is a header which contains the length of bytes and in middle there is the data and at the end four zero bytes.
00 | 00 | 00 | 08 | 00 | 07 | 02 | 255 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
Choreography files are timed and this reflects also to the command bytes. First byte of command bytes tells how long to wait before playing a new command from the beginning of last command (ts = timesteps). Second byte tells the type of command. After these two bytes there can be any amount of bytes relative to the command.
The different commands (orange data) are :
- TEMPO command (code 01, default tempo = 10; tempo = 1 > timestep = 10 ms; tempo = 100 > timestep = 1s) :
ts 01 10
- LED command (code 07, LED-id, red, green, blue, two zero bytes) :
ts 07 02 FF FF 00 00 00 - EAR command (code 08, right=0 or left=1 ear, ear position 0-18, forward=0 or backward=1) :
ts 08 00 05 01 - EAR STEP command (code 0B, right=0 or left=1 ear, steps forward) :
ts 11 01 0A - MIDI command (code 0A, play random note) :
ts 10 - CHOR command (code 0E, LED-id, code F0): set LED to Palette-color (PL commande in message) or to Preset-color (CL command in message)
ts 0E 01 F0 - IFNE command ( synchronizes choreography to sound; details unknown) :
There are different choreography editors available (none with support of MIDI or CHOR command) :
- Nabaztag Flash from Tullio Matteo Fanti
- Nabazlab from Emmanuel (Na Nanere) Lhermitte et Mathieu (Na Bubuz) Lacrabère
- Excel Editor from Fabrice Lambert
- Bunny Messenger from Cheng Fan
- Nabaztag Choreography Maker from Bunny (Canada)
- Cours de danse Patapwet : application en ligne de Antoine Bertin

Choreography Maker

Bunny Messenger