During the creation of a new website, I was able to have a closer look on the internal working of Google Analytics. Four computers were used to test the first layout of the new website connected to three different IP adresses. The setup was the following :
- PC 1 : Windows XP, screen resolution 1024 x 768, three browsers : IE 8.0.6001, Firefox 3.08, Chrome
- PC 2 : Windows XP, screen resolution 1024 x 768, three browsers : IE, Firefox, Chrome
- PC 3 : Windows XP, screen resolution 1280 x 1024, browser IE
- PC 4 : Windows Vista, screen resolution 1280 x 800, browser IE
Google Analytics reported 18 visits from 8 unique visitors during two days, which is correct if every used browser is considered as a unique visitor (use of cookies). The reported screen resolutions, operating systems, browser versions and flash versions were correct.
The unique pageviews can not be higher than the total number of unique visitors, which was the case. The 18 visits were segmented in 8 visits from new visitors and 10 visits from returning customers.

Customer loyalty
In the visitor loyalty report, the visits were indicated as :
- 1 times : 8
- 2 times : 5
- 3 times : 3
- 4 times : 1
- 5 times : 1