Speech Utterance

Last update : April 2, 2015

Utterance Definition

In linguistics an utterance is a unit of speech, without having a precise definition. It’s a bit of spoken language. It could be anything from “Baf!” to a full sentence or a long speech. The corresponding unit in written language is text.

Phonetically an utterance is a unit of speech bounded (preceded and followed) by silence. Phonemes, phones, morphemes,  words etc are all considered items of an utterance.

In orthography, an utterance begins with a capital letter and ends in a period, question mark, or exclamation point.

In Speech Synthesis (TTS) the text that you wish to be spoken is contained within an utterance object (example : SpeechSynthesisUtterance). The Festival TTS system uses the utterance as the basic object for synthesis. Speech synthesis is the process that applies a set of programs to an utterance.

The main stages to convert textual input to speech output are :

  1. Conversion of the input text to tokens
  2. Conversion of tokens to words
  3. Conversion of words to strings of phonemes
  4. Addition of prosodic information
  5. Generation of a waveform

In Festival each stage is executed in several steps. The number of steps and what actually happens may vary and is dependent on the particular language and voice selected. Each of the steps is achieved by a Festival module which will typically add new information to the utterance structure. Swapping of modules is possible.

Festival provides six synthesizer modules :

  • 2 diphone engines : MBROLA and diphone
  • 2 unit selection engines : clunits and multisyn
  • 2 HMM engines : clustergen and HTS

Festival Utterance Architecture

A very simple utterance architecture is the string model where the high level items are replaced sequentially by lower level items, from tokens to phones. The disadvantage of this architecture is the loss of information about higher levels.

Another architecture is the multi-level table model with one hierarchy. The problem is that there are no explicit connections between levels.

Festival uses a Heterogeneous Relation Graph (HRG). This model is defined as follows :

  • Utterances consist of a set of items, representing things like tokens, words, phones,
  • Each item is related by one or more relations to other items.
  • Each item contains a set of features, having each a name and a value.
  • Relations define lists, trees or lattices of items.

The stages and steps to build an utterance in Festival, described in the following chapters, are related to the us-english language and to the clustergen voice cmu_us_slt_cg.

To explore the architecture (structure) of an utterance in Festival, I will analyse the relation-trees created by the synthesis of the text string “253”.

festival> (voice_cmu_us_slt_cg)
festival> (set! utter (SayText "253"))
#<Utterance 0x104c20720>
festival> (utt.relationnames utter)
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'Token)
   ((id "_1")
    (name "253")
    (whitespace "")
    (prepunctuation "")
    (token_pos "cardinal")))
    ((id "_2")
     (name "two")
     (pos_index 1)
     (pos_index_score 0)
     (pos "cd")
     (phr_pos "cd")
     (phrase_score -0.69302821)
     (pbreak_index 1)
     (pbreak_index_score 0)
     (pbreak "NB"))))
    ((id "_3")
     (name "hundred")
     (pos_index 1)
     (pos_index_score 0)
     (pos "cd")
     (phr_pos "cd")
     (phrase_score -0.692711)
     (pbreak_index 1)
     (pbreak_index_score 0)
     (pbreak "NB"))))
    ((id "_4")
     (name "fifty")
     (pos_index 8)
     (pos_index_score 0)
     (pos "nn")
     (phr_pos "n")
     (phrase_score -0.69282991)
     (pbreak_index 1)
     (pbreak_index_score 0)
     (pbreak "NB"))))
    ((id "_5")
     (name "three")
     (pos_index 1)
     (pos_index_score 0)
     (pos "cd")
     (phr_pos "cd")
     (pbreak_index 0)
     (pbreak_index_score 0)
     (pbreak "B")
     (blevel 3))))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'Word)
   ((id "_2")
    (name "two")
    (pos_index 1)
    (pos_index_score 0)
    (pos "cd")
    (phr_pos "cd")
    (phrase_score -0.69302821)
    (pbreak_index 1)
    (pbreak_index_score 0)
    (pbreak "NB"))))
    (blevel 3)))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'Phrase)
((("B" ((id "_6") (name "B")))
    ((id "_2")
     (name "two")
     (pos_index 1)
     (pos_index_score 0)
     (pos "cd")
     (phr_pos "cd")
     (phrase_score -0.69302821)
     (pbreak_index 1)
     (pbreak_index_score 0)
     (pbreak "NB"))))
     (blevel 3))))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'Syllable)
((("syl" ((id "_7") (name "syl") (stress 1))))
 (("syl" ((id "_10") (name "syl") (stress 1))))
 (("syl" ((id "_14") (name "syl") (stress 0))))
 (("syl" ((id "_19") (name "syl") (stress 1))))
 (("syl" ((id "_23") (name "syl") (stress 0))))
 (("syl" ((id "_26") (name "syl") (stress 1)))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'Segment)
((("pau" ((id "_30") (name "pau") (end 0.15000001))))
 (("t" ((id "_8") (name "t") (end 0.25016451))))
 (("uw" ((id "_9") (name "uw") (end 0.32980475))))
 (("hh" ((id "_11") (name "hh") (end 0.39506164))))
 (("ah" ((id "_12") (name "ah") (end 0.48999402))))
 (("n" ((id "_13") (name "n") (end 0.56175226))))
 (("d" ((id "_15") (name "d") (end 0.59711802))))
 (("r" ((id "_16") (name "r") (end 0.65382934))))
 (("ax" ((id "_17") (name "ax") (end 0.67743915))))
 (("d" ((id "_18") (name "d") (end 0.75765681))))
 (("f" ((id "_20") (name "f") (end 0.86216313))))
 (("ih" ((id "_21") (name "ih") (end 0.93317086))))
 (("f" ((id "_22") (name "f") (end 1.0023116))))
 (("t" ((id "_24") (name "t") (end 1.0642071))))
 (("iy" ((id "_25") (name "iy") (end 1.1534019))))
 (("th" ((id "_27") (name "th") (end 1.2816957))))
 (("r" ((id "_28") (name "r") (end 1.3449684))))
 (("iy" ((id "_29") (name "iy") (end 1.5254952))))
 (("pau" ((id "_31") (name "pau") (end 1.6754951)))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'SylStructure)
   ((id "_2")
    (name "two")
    (pos_index 1)
    (pos_index_score 0)
    (pos "cd")
    (phr_pos "cd")
    (phrase_score -0.69302821)
    (pbreak_index 1)
    (pbreak_index_score 0)
    (pbreak "NB")))
  (("syl" ((id "_7") (name "syl") (stress 1)))
   (("t" ((id "_8") (name "t") (end 0.25016451))))
   (("uw" ((id "_9") (name "uw") (end 0.32980475))))))
   ((id "_3")
    (name "hundred")
    (pos_index 1)
    (pos_index_score 0)
    (pos "cd")
    (phr_pos "cd")
    (phrase_score -0.692711)
    (pbreak_index 1)
    (pbreak_index_score 0)
    (pbreak "NB")))
  (("syl" ((id "_10") (name "syl") (stress 1)))
   (("hh" ((id "_11") (name "hh") (end 0.39506164))))
   (("ah" ((id "_12") (name "ah") (end 0.48999402))))
   (("n" ((id "_13") (name "n") (end 0.56175226)))))
  (("syl" ((id "_14") (name "syl") (stress 0)))
   (("d" ((id "_15") (name "d") (end 0.59711802))))
   (("r" ((id "_16") (name "r") (end 0.65382934))))
   (("ax" ((id "_17") (name "ax") (end 0.67743915))))
   (("d" ((id "_18") (name "d") (end 0.75765681))))))
   ((id "_4")
    (name "fifty")
    (pos_index 8)
    (pos_index_score 0)
    (pos "nn")
    (phr_pos "n")
    (phrase_score -0.69282991)
    (pbreak_index 1)
    (pbreak_index_score 0)
    (pbreak "NB")))
  (("syl" ((id "_19") (name "syl") (stress 1)))
   (("f" ((id "_20") (name "f") (end 0.86216313))))
   (("ih" ((id "_21") (name "ih") (end 0.93317086))))
   (("f" ((id "_22") (name "f") (end 1.0023116)))))
  (("syl" ((id "_23") (name "syl") (stress 0)))
   (("t" ((id "_24") (name "t") (end 1.0642071))))
   (("iy" ((id "_25") (name "iy") (end 1.1534019))))))
   ((id "_5")
    (name "three")
    (pos_index 1)
    (pos_index_score 0)
    (pos "cd")
    (phr_pos "cd")
    (pbreak_index 0)
    (pbreak_index_score 0)
    (pbreak "B")
    (blevel 3)))
  (("syl" ((id "_26") (name "syl") (stress 1)))
   (("th" ((id "_27") (name "th") (end 1.2816957))))
   (("r" ((id "_28") (name "r") (end 1.3449684))))
   (("iy" ((id "_29") (name "iy") (end 1.5254952)))))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'IntEvent)
((("L-L%" ((id "_32") (name "L-L%"))))
 (("H*" ((id "_33") (name "H*"))))
 (("H*" ((id "_34") (name "H*"))))
 (("H*" ((id "_35") (name "H*")))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'Intonation)
((("syl" ((id "_26") (name "syl") (stress 1)))
  (("L-L%" ((id "_32") (name "L-L%")))))
 (("syl" ((id "_7") (name "syl") (stress 1)))
  (("H*" ((id "_33") (name "H*")))))
 (("syl" ((id "_10") (name "syl") (stress 1)))
  (("H*" ((id "_34") (name "H*")))))
 (("syl" ((id "_19") (name "syl") (stress 1)))
  (("H*" ((id "_35") (name "H*"))))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'Target)
((("t" ((id "_8") (name "t") (end 0.25016451)))
  (("0" ((id "_36") (f0 101.42016) (pos 0.1)))))
 (("uw" ((id "_9") (name "uw") (end 0.32980475)))
  (("0" ((id "_37") (f0 121.11904) (pos 0.25)))))
 (("hh" ((id "_11") (name "hh") (end 0.39506164)))
  (("0" ((id "_38") (f0 119.19957) (pos 0.30000001)))))
 (("ah" ((id "_12") (name "ah") (end 0.48999402)))
  (("0" ((id "_39") (f0 123.81679) (pos 0.44999999)))))
 (("d" ((id "_15") (name "d") (end 0.59711802)))
  (("0" ((id "_40") (f0 117.02986) (pos 0.60000002)))))
 (("ax" ((id "_17") (name "ax") (end 0.67743915)))
  (("0" ((id "_41") (f0 110.17942) (pos 0.85000008)))))
 (("f" ((id "_20") (name "f") (end 0.86216313)))
  (("0" ((id "_42") (f0 108.59299) (pos 1.0000001)))))
 (("ih" ((id "_21") (name "ih") (end 0.93317086)))
  (("0" ((id "_43") (f0 115.24371) (pos 1.1500001)))))
 (("t" ((id "_24") (name "t") (end 1.0642071)))
  (("0" ((id "_44") (f0 108.76601) (pos 1.3000002)))))
 (("iy" ((id "_25") (name "iy") (end 1.1534019)))
  (("0" ((id "_45") (f0 102.23844) (pos 1.4500003)))))
 (("th" ((id "_27") (name "th") (end 1.2816957)))
  (("0" ((id "_46") (f0 99.160072) (pos 1.5000002)))))
 (("iy" ((id "_29") (name "iy") (end 1.5254952)))
  (("0" ((id "_47") (f0 90.843689) (pos 1.7500002))))
  (("0" ((id "_48") (f0 88.125809) (pos 1.8000003))))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'HMMstate)
((("pau_1" ((id "_49") (name "pau_1") (statepos 1) (end 0.050000001)*
 (("pau_2" ((id "_50") (name "pau_2") (statepos 2) (end 0.1))))
 (("pau_3" ((id "_51") (name "pau_3") (statepos 3) (end 0.15000001)*
 (("t_1" ((id "_52") (name "t_1") (statepos 1) (end 0.16712391))))
 (("t_2" ((id "_53") (name "t_2") (statepos 2) (end 0.23217295))))
 (("t_3" ((id "_54") (name "t_3") (statepos 3) (end 0.25016451))))
 (("uw_1" ((id "_55") (name "uw_1") (statepos 1) (end 0.2764155))))
 (("uw_2" ((id "_56") (name "uw_2") (statepos 2) (end 0.3001706))))
 (("uw_3" ((id "_57") (name "uw_3") (statepos 3) (end 0.32980475))))
 (("hh_1" ((id "_58") (name "hh_1") (statepos 1) (end 0.3502973))))
 (("iy_1" ((id "_100") (name "iy_1") (statepos 1) (end 1.3995106))))
 (("iy_2" ((id "_101") (name "iy_2") (statepos 2) (end 1.4488922))))
 (("iy_3" ((id "_102") (name "iy_3") (statepos 3) (end 1.5254952))))
 (("pau_1" ((id "_103") (name "pau_1") (statepos 1) (end 1.5754951)*
 (("pau_2" ((id "_104") (name "pau_2") (statepos 2) (end 1.6254952)*
 (("pau_3" ((id "_105") (name "pau_3") (statepos 3) (end 1.6754951)*
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'segstate)
((("pau" ((id "_30") (name "pau") (end 0.15000001)))
  (("pau_1" ((id "_49") (name "pau_1") (statepos 1) (end 0.050000001)
  (("pau_2" ((id "_50") (name "pau_2") (statepos 2) (end 0.1))))
  (("pau_3" ((id "_51") (name "pau_3") (statepos 3) (end 0.15000001)*
 (("t" ((id "_8") (name "t") (end 0.25016451)))
  (("t_1" ((id "_52") (name "t_1") (statepos 1) (end 0.16712391))))
  (("t_2" ((id "_53") (name "t_2") (statepos 2) (end 0.23217295))))
  (("t_3" ((id "_54") (name "t_3") (statepos 3) (end 0.25016451)))))
 (("uw" ((id "_9") (name "uw") (end 0.32980475)))
  (("uw_1" ((id "_55") (name "uw_1") (statepos 1) (end 0.2764155))))
  (("uw_2" ((id "_56") (name "uw_2") (statepos 2) (end 0.3001706))))
  (("uw_3" ((id "_57") (name "uw_3") (statepos 3) (end 0.32980475))))
 (("iy" ((id "_29") (name "iy") (end 1.5254952)))
  (("iy_1" ((id "_100") (name "iy_1") (statepos 1) (end 1.3995106))))
  (("iy_2" ((id "_101") (name "iy_2") (statepos 2) (end 1.4488922))))
  (("iy_3" ((id "_102") (name "iy_3") (statepos 3) (end 1.5254952))*
 (("pau" ((id "_31") (name "pau") (end 1.6754951)))
  (("pau_1" ((id "_103") (name "pau_1") (statepos 1) (end 1.5754951)*
  (("pau_2" ((id "_104") (name "pau_2") (statepos 2) (end 1.6254952)*
  (("pau_3" ((id "_105") (name "pau_3") (statepos 3) (end 1.6754951)*
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'mcep)
   ((id "_106")
    (frame_number 0)
    (name "pau_1")
    (clustergen_param_frame 19315))))
   ((id "_107")
    (frame_number 1)
    (name "pau_1")
    (clustergen_param_frame 19315))))
   ((id "_108")
    (frame_number 2)
    (name "pau_1")
    (clustergen_param_frame 19315))))
   ((id "_109")
    (frame_number 3)
    (name "pau_1")
    (clustergen_param_frame 19315))))
   ((id "_137")
    (frame_number 31)
    (name "t_1")
    (clustergen_param_frame 26089))))
   ((id "_138")
    (frame_number 32)
    (name "t_1")
    (clustergen_param_frame 26085))))
   ((id "_139")
    (frame_number 33)
    (name "t_1")
    (clustergen_param_frame 26085))))
   ((id "_140")
    (frame_number 34)
    (name "t_2")
    (clustergen_param_frame 26642))))
   ((id "_157")
    (frame_number 51)
    (name "uw_1")
    (clustergen_param_frame 27595))))
   ((id "_438")
    (frame_number 332)
    (name "pau_3")
    (clustergen_param_frame 22148))))
   ((id "_439")
    (frame_number 333)
    (name "pau_3")
    (clustergen_param_frame 22148))))
   ((id "_440")
    (frame_number 334)
    (name "pau_3")
    (clustergen_param_frame 22148))))
   ((id "_441")
    (frame_number 335)
    (name "pau_3")
    (clustergen_param_frame 22365)))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'mcep_link)
((("pau_1" ((id "_49") (name "pau_1") (statepos 1) (end 0.050000001).
    ((id "_106")
     (frame_number 0)
     (name "pau_1")
     (clustergen_param_frame 19315))))
    ((id "_107")
     (frame_number 1)
     (name "pau_1")
     (clustergen_param_frame 19315))))
    ((id "_108")
     (frame_number 2)
     (name "pau_1")
     (clustergen_param_frame 19315))))
    ((id "_439")
     (frame_number 333)
     (name "pau_3")
     (clustergen_param_frame 22148))))
    ((id "_440")
     (frame_number 334)
     (name "pau_3")
     (clustergen_param_frame 22148))))
    ((id "_441")
     (frame_number 335)
     (name "pau_3")
     (clustergen_param_frame 22365))))))
festival> (utt.relation_tree utter 'Wave)
((("0" ((id "_442") (wave "[Val wave]")))))

Notes :
* some parentheses have been deleted in the display for formating reasons
… some content has been deleted to reduce the size of the analyzed code

Results of the code analysis

The number of items created for the string “253” are shown in the following table :

number item id’s
1 token 1
4 word 2-5
1 phrase 6
6 syllable 7, 10, 14, 19, 23, 26
19 segment 8-9, 11-13, 15-18, 20-22, 24-25, 27-31
4 intevent 32-35
13 target 36-48
57 hmmstate 49-105
336 mcep 106-441
1 wave 442

The features associated to the different items are presented in the next table :

item features
token name, whitespace, prepunctuation, token_pos
word name, pos_index, pos_index_score, pos, phr_pos, phrase_score, pbreak_index, pbreak_index_score, pbreak, blevel
phrase name
syllable name, stress
segment name, end
intevent name
target f0, pos
hmmstate name, statepos, end
mcep name, frame_number, clustergen_param_frame
wave Val

The last table shows the relations between the different items in the HRG :

item daughter leaf relation
token word x Token
word syllable SylStructure
phrase word x Phrase
syllable segment x (except silence) SylStructure
syllable intevent x Intonation
segment target x Target
segment hmmstate x segstate
segment mcep x mcep_link

Relations between utterance items

To better understand the relations between utterance items, I use a second example :

(set! utter (SayText "253 and 36"))
(utt.relation.print utter 'Token)

Festival SayText

There are 3 tokens. The Token relation is a list of trees where each root is the white space separated tokenized object from the input character string and where the daughters are the list of words associated with the tokens. Most often it is a one to one relationship, but in the case of digits a token is associated with several words. The following command shows the Token tree with the daughters :

(utt.relation_tree utter 'Token)
Festival Token_tree

Festival Token_tree

We can check that the word list corresponds to the Token tree list :

(utt.relation.print utter 'Word)
Festival Word List

Festival Word List

To access the second word of the first token we can use two methods :

(item.name (item.daughter2 (utt.relation.first utter 'Token)))


(item.name (item.next (utt.relation.first utter 'Word)))

Festival access methods to word item

TTS stages and steps

In the next chapters the different stages and steps executed to synthesize a text string are described with more details. In the first step a simple and a complex utterance of type Text are created :

(set! simple_utt (Utterance Text 
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"))
(set! complex_utt (Utterance Text
"Mr. James Brown Jr. attended flight No AA4101 to Boston on
Friday 02/13/2014."))

The complex utterance named complex_utt is used in the following examples.

1. Text-to-Token Conversion


Text is a string of characters in ASCII or ISO-8850 format. Written (raw) text usually contains also numbers, names, abbreviations, symbols, punctuation etc which must be translated into spoken text. This process is called Tokenization. Other terms used are (lexical) Pre-Processing, Text Normalization or Canonicalization. To access the items and features of the defined utterance named complex_utt in Festival we use the following modules :

festival> (Initialize complex_utt) ; Initialize utterance
festival> (utt.relationnames complex_utt) ; show created relations
Festival Utterance Initialization

Festival Utterance Initialization

The result nil indicates that there exist not yet a relation inside the text-utterance.


The second step is the Tokenization which consists in the conversion of the input text to tokens. A token is a sequence of characters where whitespace and punctuation are eliminated. The following Festival command is used to convert raw text to tokens and to show them :

festival> (Text complex_utt) ; convert text to tokens
festival> (utt.relationnames complex_utt) ; check new relations
festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Token) ; display tokens
Festival Text Module to convert raw text to tokens

Festival Text Module to convert raw text to tokens

There are several methods to access individual tokens :

festival> (utt.relation.first complex_utt 'Token) ; returns 1st token
festival> (utt.relation.last complex_utt 'Token) ; returns last token
festival> (utt.relation_tree complex_utt 'Token) ; returns token tree
Festival Token Access

Festival Token Access

This utt.relation_tree method can also be applied to other relations than ‘Tokens.

2. Token-to-Word Conversion


In linguistics, a word is the smallest element that may be uttered in isolation with semantic or pragmatic content. To convert the isolated tokens to words, we use the Festival commands :

festival> (Token complex_utt) ; token to word conversion
festival> (utt.relationnames complex_utt) ; check new relations
festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Word) ; display words
Festival Token Module to convert tokens to words

Festival Token Module to convert tokens to words

The rules to perform the token to word conversion are specified in the Festival script token.scm.


Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging is related to the Token-to-Word conversion. POS is also called grammatical tagging or word-category disambiguation. It’s the process of marking up a word in a text as corresponding to a particular part of speech, based on both its definition, as well as its context (identification of words as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc.)

To do the POS tagging, we use the commands

festival> (POS complex_utt) ; Part of Speech tagging
festival> (utt.relationnames complex_utt) ; check new relations
festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Word) ; display words

The relation check shows that no new relation was created with the POS method. There are however new features which have been added to the ‘Word relation.

Festival POS Module to tag the words

Festival POS Module to tag the words

The new features are :

  • pos_index n
  • pos_index_score m
  • pos xx


The last step of the Token-to-Word conversion is the phrasing. This process determines the places where phrase boundaries should be inserted. Prosodic phrasing in TTS makes the whole speech more understandable. The phrasing is launched with the following commands :

festival> (Phrasify complex_utt) ;
festival> (utt.relationnames complex_utt) ; check new relations
festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Phrase) ; display breaks
Festival Phrasify Module to insert boundaries

Festival Phrasify Module to insert boundaries

The result can be seen in new attributes in the Word relation:

festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Word)
  • phr_pos xx
  • phrase_score nn
  • pbreak_index n
  • pbreak_index_score m
  • pbreak yy  (B for small breaks, BB is for big breaks, NB for no break)
  • blevel p

Festival Word list after phrasing (click to enlarge)

3. Word-to-Phoneme Conversion

The command

festival> (Word complex_utt)

generates 3 new relations : syllables, segments and SylStructure.


Festival relations generated by the Word method


Segments and phones are synonyms.

festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Segment)

Festival segments = phones


Consonants and vowels combine to make syllables. They are often considered the phonological building blocks of words, but there is no universally accepted definition for a syllable. An approximate definition is : a syllable is a vowel sound together with some of the surrounding consonants closely associated with it. The general structure of a syllable consists of three segments :

  • Onset : a consonant or consonant cluster
  • Nucleus : a sequence of vowels or syllabic consonant
  • Coda : a sequence of consonants

Nucleus and coda are grouped together as a Rime. Prominent syllables are called accented; they are louder, longer and have a different pitch.

The following Festival command shows the syllables of the defined utterance.

festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Syllable)

Festival syllables


Words, segments and syllables are related in the HRG trought the SylStructure. The command

festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'SylStructure)

prints these related items.

utt10 (click to enlarge)

Festival SylStructure  (click to enlarge)

4. Prosodic Information Addition

Besides the phrasing with break indices, additional prosodic components can be added to speech synthesis to improve the voice quality. Some of these elements are :

  • pitch accents (stress)
  • final boundary tones
  • phrasal tones
  • F0 contour
  • tilt
  • duration

Festival supports ToBI, a framework for developing community-wide conventions for transcribing the intonation and prosodic structure of spoken utterances in a language variety.

The process

festival> (Intonation complex_utt)

generates two additional relations : IntEvent and Intonation


Festival prosodic relations


The command

festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'IntEvent)

prints the IntEvent items.


Festival IntEvent items

The following types are listed :

  • L-L% : low boundary tone
  • H* : peak accent
  • !H* : downstep high
  • L+H* : bitonal accent, rising peak


The command

festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Intonation)

prints the Intonation items.


Festival Intonation items

Only the syllables with stress are displayed.


The process

festival> (Duration complex_utt)

creates no new relations and I have not seen any new items or features in other relations.




The last process in the prosodic stage

festival> (Int_Targets complex_utt)

generates the additional relation Target.


Festival relations after the Int_Targets process

The command

festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Target)

prints the target items.

Festival clustergen targets

Festival clustergen targets

The unique target features are the segment name and the segment end time.

5. Waveform Generation


The process

festival> (Wave_Synth complex_utt)
festival> (utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Wave)

generates five new relations :

  • HMMstate
  • segstate
  • mcep
  • mcep_links
  • Wave

Festival Wave relations for clustergen voice

In the next chapters we use the method

(utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Relation)

to display the relations and features specific to the diphone voice.

Relation ‘HMMstate

HMMstates for clustergen voice

HMMstates for Festival clustergen voice

Relation ‘segstate

segstates for

segstates for Festival clustergen voice

Relation ‘mcep


mcep features for Festival clustergen voice

Relation ‘mcep_links


mcep_links relation for Festival clustergen voice

Relation ‘Wave


Wave relation for Festival clustergen voice

Diphone Voice Utterance

If we use a diphone voice (e.g. the default kal_diphone voice) instead of the clustergen voice, the last step of the prosodic stage (No 4) and the complete wave-synthesis stage (No 5) provide different relations and features.

We use the Festival method “SayText”, a combination of the above presented processes

  • Initialize utt
  • Text utt
  • Token utt
  • POS utt
  • Phrasify utt
  • Word utt
  • Intonation utt
  • Duration utt
  • Int_Targets utt
  • Wave_Synt utt

to create the same complex utterance as in the first example :

(set! complex_utt (SayText "Mr. James Brown Jr. attended flight 
No AA4101 to Boston on Friday 02/13/2014."))
(utt.relationnames complex_utt)

Here are the results :


Utterance relations for a Festival diphone voice

In the next chapters we use the method

(utt.relation.print complex_utt 'Relation)

to display the relations and features specific to the diphone voice.

Relation ‘Target


Relation Target for diphone voice

Relation ‘Unit


Relation Unit for diphone voice (click to enlarge)

Relation ‘SourceCoef


Relation ‘SourceCoef for diphone voice

Relation ‘fo


Relation f0 for diphone voice

Relation ‘TargetCoef


Relation TargetCoef for diphone voice

Relation ‘US_map


Relation US_map for diphone voice

Relation ‘Wave


Relation Wave for diphone voice

Playing and saving the diphone voice utterance :


Playing and saving a synthesized Festival utterance

Diphone voice utterance shown in Audacity :


Display of a synthesized Festival utterance

Clunits Voice Utterance

What is true for the diphone voice is also ture for a clunits voice. The last step of the prosodic stage (No 4) and the complete wave-synthesis stage (No 5) generate different relations and features. As an example we use a swedish clunits voice :


Relations for Festival clunits voice

Relation ‘Target


Relation Target for Festival clunits voice  (click to enlarge)

Relation ‘Unit


Relation unit for Festival clunits voice  (click to enlarge)

Relation ‘SourceSegments


Relation SourceSegments for Festival clunits voice

That’s all.