Festival uniphone voice creation

Referring to my recent post about Festival, I am glad to announce that I was successful in building and testing a new uniphone voice (english) with my own prompt recordings. The goal is to set up my system to create a luxembourgish synthetic voice for the Festival package.

The list of the different steps is shown below :

• (creation of the voice directory mbarnig_en_marco)
• $FESTVOXDIR/src/unitsel/setup_clunits mbarnig en marco uniphone
• (define a phoneset)
• (define a lexicon)
• festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_prompts_waves 
• (uncomment the line USE_SOX=1 in the script prompt_them)
• ./bin/prompt_them etc/uniphone.data 
• ./bin/make_labs prompt-wav/*.wav 
• festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_utts 
• (copy etc/uniphone.data into etc/txt.done.data)
• ./bin/make_pm_wave wav/*.wav
• ./bin/make_mcep wav/*.wav
• festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_clunits 
• (copy data in Festival voice directory)
• festival> (voice_mbarnig_en_marco_clunits)
• festival> (SayText "Hello Marco, how are you?")

1. Voice Folder

First I created a new voice folder mbarnig_en_marco inside the Festival_TTS/festvox/ directory and opened a terminal window inside this new folder.

2. Clunits Setup

I launched the script

$FESTVOXDIR/src/unitsel/setup_clunits mbarnig en marco uniphone

to construct the voice folder structure and copy there the template files for voice building.
The arguments of the setup script setup_clunits are :

  • institution : mbarnig
  • language : en
  • speaker : marco
  • standard prompt list : uniphone

Festival : setup_clunits

The following folders are created inside the voice directory mbarnig_en_marco :

  1. bin
  2. cep
  3. emu
  4. etc
  5. f0
  6. festival
  7. festvox
  8. group
  9. lab
  10. lar
  11. lpc
  12. mcep
  13. phr
  14. pm
  15. pm_lab
  16. prompt_cep
  17. prompt_lab
  18. prompt_utt
  19. prompt_wav
  20. recording
  21. scratch
  22. syl
  23. versions
  24. wav
  25. wrd

The following programs are copied into the 1sr folder (mbarnig_en_marco/bin)  :

  1. add_noise
  2. contour_powernormalize
  3. do_build
  4. find_db_duration
  5. find_num_available_cpu
  6. find_powercontours
  7. find_poerfactors
  8. get_lars
  9. get_wavs
  10. make_cmm
  11. make_dist
  12. make_f0
  13. make_labs
  14. make_lpc
  15. make_mcep
  16. make_pm
  17. make_pm_fix
  18. make_pm_pmlab
  19. make_pm_wave
  20. make_pmlab_pm
  21. make_samples
  22. prompt_them
  23. prune_middle_silence
  24. prune_silence
  25. reduce_prompts
  26. simple_powernormalize
  27. sphinx_lab
  28. sphinxtrain
  29. synthfile
  30. traintest
  31. ws

The following files are created inside the 4th folder (mbarnig_en_marco/etc) :

  • emu_f0.tpl
  • emu_hier.tpl
  • emu_lab.tpl
  • emu_pm.tpl
  • uniphone.data
  • voice.defs
  • ws_festvox.conf

The following sub-folders (most empty) are created inside the 6th folder (mbarnig_en_marco/festival) :

  • clunits, including a file all.desc
  • coeffs
  • disttabs
  • dur
  • f0
  • feats
  • phrbrk
  • trees
  • utts

The following scripts are created inside the 7th folder (mbarnig_en_marco/festvox) :

  • build_clunits.scm
  • build_st.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_clunits.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_duration.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_durdata.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_f0model.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_intonation.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_lexicon.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_other.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_phoneset.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_phrasing.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_tagger.scm
  • mbarnig_en_marco_tokenizer.scm

The other listed folders are empty.

The file uniphone.data in the mbarnig_en_marco/etc folder contains the following minimal prompt-set :

( uniph_0001 "a whole joy was reaping." )
( uniph_0002 "but they've gone south." )
( uniph_0003 "you should fetch azure mike." )

These 3 sentences contain each of the english phonemes once. The prompt list is coded in the standard Festival data-format. The spaces after the left parantheses are required.

The file voice.defs in the mbarnig_en_marco/etc folder contains the following parameters :


The file ws_festvox.conf in the mbarnig_en_marco/etc folder is automatically generated by WaveSurfer.

Phoneset Definition

The phoneset for the new voice is defined in the script mbarnig_en_marco_phoneset.scm. Referring to the english Festival radio phoneset, I modified the phoneset-script as follows :

;;; Phoneset for mbarnig_en_marco
;;; Phone Features
(;; vowel or consonant
(vc + -)
;; vowel length: short long dipthong schwa
(vlng s l d a 0)
;; vowel height: high mid low
(vheight 1 2 3 0)
;; vowel frontness: front mid back
(vfront 1 2 3 0)
;; lip rounding
(vrnd + - 0)
;; consonant type: stop fricative affricate nasal lateral approximant
(ctype s f a n l r 0)
;; place of articulation: labial alveolar palatal labio-dental
;; dental velar glottal
(cplace l a p b d v g 0)
;; consonant voicing
(cvox + - 0)
;; Phone set members
;; Note these features were set by awb so they are wrong !!!
(aa + l 3 3 - 0 0 0) ;; father
(ae + s 3 1 - 0 0 0) ;; fat
(ah + s 2 2 - 0 0 0) ;; but
(ao + l 3 3 + 0 0 0) ;; lawn
(aw + d 3 2 - 0 0 0) ;; how
(ax + a 2 2 - 0 0 0) ;; about
(axr + a 2 2 - r a +)
(ay + d 3 2 - 0 0 0) ;; hide
(b - 0 0 0 0 s l +)
(ch - 0 0 0 0 a p -)
(d - 0 0 0 0 s a +)
(dh - 0 0 0 0 f d +)
(dx - a 0 0 0 s a +) ;; ??
(eh + s 2 1 - 0 0 0) ;; get
(el + s 0 0 0 l a +)
(em + s 0 0 0 n l +)
(en + s 0 0 0 n a +)
(er + a 2 2 - r 0 0) ;; always followed by r (er-r == axr)
(ey + d 2 1 - 0 0 0) ;; gate
(f - 0 0 0 0 f b -)
(g - 0 0 0 0 s v +)
(hh - 0 0 0 0 f g -)
(hv - 0 0 0 0 f g +)
(ih + s 1 1 - 0 0 0) ;; bit
(iy + l 1 1 - 0 0 0) ;; beet
(jh - 0 0 0 0 a p +)
(k - 0 0 0 0 s v -)
(l - 0 0 0 0 l a +)
(m - 0 0 0 0 n l +)
(n - 0 0 0 0 n a +)
(nx - 0 0 0 0 n d +) ;; ???
(ng - 0 0 0 0 n v +)
(ow + d 2 3 + 0 0 0) ;; lone
(oy + d 2 3 + 0 0 0) ;; toy
(p - 0 0 0 0 s l -)
(r - 0 0 0 0 r a +)
(s - 0 0 0 0 f a -)
(sh - 0 0 0 0 f p -)
(t - 0 0 0 0 s a -)
(th - 0 0 0 0 f d -)
(uh + s 1 3 + 0 0 0) ;; full
(uw + l 1 3 + 0 0 0) ;; fool
(v - 0 0 0 0 f b +)
(w - 0 0 0 0 r l +)
(y - 0 0 0 0 r p +)
(z - 0 0 0 0 f a +)
(zh - 0 0 0 0 f p +)
(pau - 0 0 0 0 0 0 -)
(h# - 0 0 0 0 0 0 -)
(brth - 0 0 0 0 0 0 -)
(PhoneSet.silences '(pau))

(define (mbarnig_en_marco::select_phoneset)
Set up phone set for mbarnig_en_marco."
 (Parameter.set 'PhoneSet 'mbarnig_en_marco)
 (PhoneSet.select 'mbarnig_en_marco)

(define (mbarnig_en_marco::reset_phoneset)
Reset phone set for mbarnig_en_marco."

(provide 'mbarnig_en_marco_phoneset)

Lexicon Creation

Without a lexicon, the result of a building command generates unknown words messages

uni 8

Festival : unknown words without lexicon

The lexicon for the new voice is defined in the script mbarnig_en_marco_lexicon.scm. Referring the the english Festival cmu lexicon, I modified the lexicon-script as follows :

;;; Lexicon, LTS and Postlexical rules for mbarnig_en_marco
;;; CMU lexicon for US English

;;; Load any necessary files here
(require 'postlex)
(define (mbarnig_en_marco::select_lexicon)
Set up the lexicon for mbarnig_lx_marco."
(lex.select "cmu")

;; Post lexical rules
(set! postlex_rules_hooks (list postlex_apos_s_check))
(set! postlex_vowel_reduce_cart_tree nil) ; no reduction

(define (mbarnig_lx_marco::reset_lexicon)
Reset lexicon information."

(provide 'mbarnig_lx_marco_lexicon)

Building Prompts

The second command

festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_prompts_waves 

generates synthesized waveforms to act as prompts and timing cues. The nearest available voice (in this case kal_diphone) is used for synthesizing. The generated files are also used in aligning the spoken data. The -b option (–batch) avoids switching in the interactive Festival mode.


Festival : build_prompts_waves

The following files are created :

  • folder prompt-lab : files uniph_0001.lab, uniph_0002.lab and uniph_0003.lab
  • folder prompt-utt : files uniph_0001.utt, uniph_0002.utt and uniph_0003.utt
  • folder prompt-wav : files uniph_0001.wav, uniph_0002.wav and uniph_0003.wav

The uniph_xxxx.lab files have the following type of content :

0.1100 100 pau
0.2200 100 ax
0.3300 100 hh
0.4400 100 ow
0.5500 100 l
0.6600 100 jh
0.7700 100 oy
0.8800 100 w
0.9900 100 aa
1.1000 100 z
1.2100 100 r
1.3200 100 iy
1.4850 100 p
1.6500 100 ih
1.8150 100 ng
1.9250 100 pau

The uniph_xxxx.utt files have the following type of content :

EST_File utterance
DataType ascii
version 2
Features max_id 77 ; type Text ; 
iform "\"a whole joy was reaping.\"" ;
1 id _1 ; name a ; whitespace "" ; prepunctuation "" ;
2 id _2 ; name whole ; whitespace " " ; prepunctuation "" ;
3 id _3 ; name joy ; whitespace " " ; prepunctuation "" ;
4 id _4 ; name was ; whitespace " " ; prepunctuation "" ;
5 id _5 ; name reaping ; punc . ; whitespace " " ; 
prepunctuation "" ;
6 id _10 ; name reaping ; pbreak B ; pos nil ;
7 id _11 ; name . ; pbreak B ; pos punc ;
8 id _9 ; name was ; pbreak NB ; pos nil ;
9 id _8 ; name joy ; pbreak NB ; pos nil ;
10 id _7 ; name whole ; pbreak NB ; pos nil ;
11 id _6 ; name a ; pbreak NB ; pos dt ;
12 id _12 ; name B ;
13 id _13 ; name syl ; stress 0 ;
14 id _15 ; name syl ; stress 1 ;
15 id _19 ; name syl ; stress 1 ;
16 id _22 ; name syl ; stress 1 ;
17 id _26 ; name syl ; stress 1 ;
18 id _29 ; name syl ; stress 0 ;
19 id _33 ; name pau ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.11 ;source_end 0.101815 ;
20 id _14 ; name ax ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.22 ;source_end 0.235802 ;
21 id _16 ; name hh ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.33 ;source_end 0.322177 ;
22 id _17 ; name ow ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.44 ;source_end 0.493926 ;
23 id _18 ; name l ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.55 ;source_end 0.626926 ;
24 id _20 ; name jh ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.66 ;source_end 0.732624 ;
25 id _21 ; name oy ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.77 ;source_end 0.900228 ;
26 id _23 ; name w ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.88 ;source_end 1.06616 ;
27 id _24 ; name aa ; dur_factor 1 ; end 0.99 ;source_end 1.20716 ;
28 id _25 ; name z ; dur_factor 1 ; end 1.1 ;source_end 1.33726 ;
29 id _27 ; name r ; dur_factor 1 ; end 1.21 ;source_end 1.46326 ;
30 id _28 ; name iy ; dur_factor 1 ; end 1.32 ;source_end 1.58507 ;
31 id _30 ; name p ; dur_factor 1.5 ; end 1.485 ;source_end 1.71307 ;
32 id _31 ; name ih ; dur_factor 1.5 ; end 1.65 ;source_end 1.83979 ;
33 id _32 ; name ng ; dur_factor 1.5 ; end 1.815 source_end 2.02441 ;
34 id _34 ; name pau ; dur_factor 1 ; end 1.925 ;source_end 2.36643 ;
35 id _35 ; name Accented ;
36 id _36 ; name Accented ;
37 id _37 ; name Accented ;
38 id _38 ; name Accented ;
39 id _56 ; f0 110 ; pos 1.815 ;
40 id _54 ; f0 126.571 ; pos 1.31 ;
41 id _55 ; f0 116.286 ; pos 1.32 ;
42 id _53 ; f0 128.571 ; pos 1.11 ;
43 id _50 ; f0 130 ; pos 1.09 ;
44 id _51 ; f0 118.571 ; pos 1.1 ;
45 id _52 ; f0 118.571 ; pos 1.101 ;
46 id _49 ; f0 132 ; pos 0.78 ;
47 id _46 ; f0 132.286 ; pos 0.76 ;
48 id _47 ; f0 122 ; pos 0.77 ;
49 id _48 ; f0 122 ; pos 0.771 ;
50 id _45 ; f0 134.286 ; pos 0.56 ;
51 id _42 ; f0 135.714 ; pos 0.54 ;
52 id _43 ; f0 124.286 ; pos 0.55 ;
53 id _44 ; f0 124.286 ; pos 0.551 ;
54 id _41 ; f0 137.714 ; pos 0.23 ;
55 id _40 ; f0 127.714 ; pos 0.22 ;
56 id _39 ; f0 130 ; pos 0.11 ;
57 id _57 ; name pau-ax ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 9 ; end 0.172053 ; num_frames 17 ;
58 id _58 ; name ax-hh ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 5 ; end 0.288115 ; num_frames 11 ;
59 id _59 ; name hh-ow ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 2 ; end 0.406552 ; num_frames 11 ;
60 id _60 ; name ow-l ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 7 ; end 0.559239 ; num_frames 14 ;
61 id _61 ; name l-jh ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 5 ; end 0.673416 ; num_frames 10 ;
62 id _62 ; name jh-oy ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 4 ; end 0.82104 ; num_frames 13 ;
63 id _63 ; name oy-w ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 6 ; end 1.01148 ; num_frames 17 ;
64 id _64 ; name w-aa ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 4 ; end 1.1311 ; num_frames 11 ;
65 id _65 ; name aa-z ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 6 ; end 1.25207 ; num_frames 11 ;
66 id _66 ; name z-r ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 7 ; end 1.39807 ; num_frames 14 ;
67 id _67 ; name r-iy ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 5 ; end 1.52951 ; num_frames 12 ;
68 id _68 ; name iy-p ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 4 ; end 1.64963 ; num_frames 11 ;
69 id _69 ; name p-ih ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 5 ; end 1.78517 ; num_frames 13 ;
70 id _70 ; name ih-ng ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 4 ; end 1.91617 ; num_frames 12 ;
71 id _71 ; name ng-pau ; sig "[Val wave]" ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
middle_frame 9 ; end 2.19542 ; num_frames 27 ;
72 id _72 ; name coef ; coefs "[Val track]" ; 
frame "[Val wavevector]" ;
73 id _73 ; name f0 ; f0 "[Val track]" ;
74 id _74 ; coefs "[Val track]" ; residual "[Val wave]" ;
75 id _75 ;
76 id _76 ; map "[Val ivector]" ;
77 id _77 ; wave "[Val wave]" ;
Relation Token ; ()
6 11 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 6 2 0
7 10 2 0 0 0
2 2 0 7 3 1
8 9 3 0 0 0
3 3 0 8 4 2
9 8 4 0 0 0
4 4 0 9 5 3
10 6 5 0 11 0
11 7 0 0 0 10
5 5 0 10 0 4
Relation Word ; ()
1 11 0 0 2 0
2 10 0 0 3 1
3 9 0 0 4 2
4 8 0 0 5 3
5 6 0 0 0 4
Relation Phrase ; ()
2 11 1 0 3 0
3 10 0 0 4 2
4 9 0 0 5 3
5 8 0 0 6 4
6 6 0 0 0 5
1 12 0 2 0 0
Relation Syllable ; ()
1 13 0 0 2 0
2 14 0 0 3 1
3 15 0 0 4 2
4 16 0 0 5 3
5 17 0 0 6 4
6 18 0 0 0 5
Relation Segment ; ()
1 19 0 0 2 0
2 20 0 0 3 1
3 21 0 0 4 2
4 22 0 0 5 3
5 23 0 0 6 4
6 24 0 0 7 5
7 25 0 0 8 6
8 26 0 0 9 7
9 27 0 0 10 8
10 28 0 0 11 9
11 29 0 0 12 10
12 30 0 0 13 11
13 31 0 0 14 12
14 32 0 0 15 13
15 33 0 0 16 14
16 34 0 0 0 15
Relation SylStructure ; ()
8 20 7 0 0 0
7 13 1 8 0 0
1 11 0 7 2 0
10 21 9 0 11 0
11 22 0 0 12 10
12 23 0 0 0 11
9 14 2 10 0 0
2 10 0 9 3 1
14 24 13 0 15 0
15 25 0 0 0 14
13 15 3 14 0 0
3 9 0 13 4 2
17 26 16 0 18 0
18 27 0 0 19 17
19 28 0 0 0 18
16 16 4 17 0 0
4 8 0 16 5 3
22 29 20 0 23 0
23 30 0 0 0 22
20 17 5 22 21 0
24 31 21 0 25 0
25 32 0 0 26 24
26 33 0 0 0 25
21 18 0 24 0 20
5 6 0 20 6 4
6 7 0 0 0 5
Relation IntEvent ; ()
1 35 0 0 2 0
2 36 0 0 3 1
3 37 0 0 4 2
4 38 0 0 0 3
Relation Intonation ; ()
5 35 1 0 0 0
1 14 0 5 2 0
6 36 2 0 0 0
2 15 0 6 3 1
7 37 3 0 0 0
3 16 0 7 4 2
8 38 4 0 0 0
4 17 0 8 0 3
Relation Target ; ()
12 56 1 0 0 0
1 19 0 12 2 0
13 55 2 0 0 0
2 20 0 13 3 1
14 54 3 0 0 0
3 21 0 14 4 2
15 51 4 0 16 0
16 52 0 0 17 15
17 53 0 0 0 16
4 23 0 15 5 3
18 50 5 0 0 0
5 24 0 18 6 4
19 47 6 0 20 0
20 48 0 0 21 19
21 49 0 0 0 20
6 25 0 19 7 5
22 46 7 0 0 0
7 26 0 22 8 6
23 43 8 0 24 0
24 44 0 0 25 23
25 45 0 0 0 24
8 28 0 23 9 7
26 42 9 0 0 0
9 29 0 26 10 8
27 40 10 0 28 0
28 41 0 0 0 27
10 30 0 27 11 9
29 39 11 0 0 0
11 33 0 29 0 10
Relation Unit ; grouped 1 ;
1 57 0 0 2 0
2 58 0 0 3 1
3 59 0 0 4 2
4 60 0 0 5 3
5 61 0 0 6 4
6 62 0 0 7 5
7 63 0 0 8 6
8 64 0 0 9 7
9 65 0 0 10 8
10 66 0 0 11 9
11 67 0 0 12 10
12 68 0 0 13 11
13 69 0 0 14 12
14 70 0 0 15 13
15 71 0 0 0 14
Relation SourceCoef ; ()
1 72 0 0 0 0
Relation f0 ; ()
1 73 0 0 0 0
Relation TargetCoef ; ()
1 74 0 0 2 0
2 75 0 0 0 1
Relation US_map ; ()
1 76 0 0 0 0
Relation Wave ; ()
1 77 0 0 0 0

Recording Prompts

Before launching the next command

./bin/prompt_them etc/uniphone.data

to start the automatic recording of the prompts, I uncommented the line USE_SOX=1 in the prompt_them script to use the SOX package on the Mac instead of the na_play / na_record programs.


Festival : recording prompts

Festival plays the synthesized prompt before each record and calculates the recording duration, based on the synthesis. The recorded audio files are saved into the wav folder.

As the recording in the required format 16.000 Hz, mono 16 bits was not possible, I did a manual recording with the Audacity app and replaced the audio files in the wav folder.


Audacity app to record prompts


The labeling of the spoken prompts is done by matching the synthesized prompts with the spoken ones.

./bin/make_labs prompt_wav/*.wav
Festival make_labs

Festival : make_labs

The following files are created :

  • folder cep : files uniph_0001.cep, uniph_0002.cep and uniph_0003.cep
  • folder lab : files uniph_0001.lab, uniph_0002.lab and uniph_0003.lab
  • folder prompt-cep : files uniph_0001.cep, uniph_0002.cep and uniph_0003.cep

The uniph_xxxx.cep files have the following type of content :

EST_File Track
DataType binary
ByteOrder 01
NumFrames 425
NumChannels 24
EqualSpace 0
BreaksPresent true
CommentChar ;

Channel_0 melcep_1
Channel_1 melcep_2
Channel_2 melcep_3
Channel_3 melcep_4
Channel_4 melcep_5
Channel_20 melcep_d_9
Channel_21 melcep_d_10
Channel_22 melcep_d_11
Channel_23 melcep_d_N

The uniph_xxxx.cep files have the following content :

separator ;
nfields 1
0.01500 26 pau
0.12500 26 ax
0.23500 26 hh
0.37000 26 ow
0.53000 26 l
0.65000 26 jh
0.87000 26 oy
1.08500 26 w
1.19500 26 aa
1.39500 26 z
1.45000 26 r
1.55500 26 iy
1.74500 26 p
1.91000 26 ih
2.07500 26 ng
2.12500 26 pau

The correct labeling can be checked with the WaveSurfer app.

WafeSurfer . checking labels

WafeSurfer . checking labels

The uniph_xxxx.cep files have the following type of content :

EST_File Track
DataType binary
ByteOrder 01
NumFrames 385
NumChannels 24
EqualSpace 0
BreaksPresent true
CommentChar ;

Channel_0 melcep_1
Channel_1 melcep_2
Channel_2 melcep_3
Channel_3 melcep_4
Channel_4 melcep_5
Channel_5 melcep_6
Channel_19 melcep_d_8
Channel_20 melcep_d_9
Channel_21 melcep_d_10
Channel_22 melcep_d_11
Channel_23 melcep_d_N

Creating Utterances

After labeling the utterance structure is created with the command

festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_utts
Festival build_utts

Festival : build_utts

The 3 files uniph_0001.utt, uniph_0002.utt and uniph_0003.utt are saved in the folder festival/utts. They have the following type of content :

EST_File utterance
DataType ascii
version 2
Features max_id 94 ; type Text ; 
iform "\"a whole joy was reaping.\"" ; 
filename prompt-utt/uniph_0001.utt ; 
fileid uniph_0001 ;
1 id _1 ; name a ; whitespace "" ; prepunctuation "" ;
2 id _2 ; name whole ; whitespace " " ; prepunctuation "" ;
3 id _3 ; name joy ; whitespace " " ; prepunctuation "" ;
1 76 0 0 0 0
Relation Phrase ; ()
2 11 1 0 3 0
3 10 0 0 4 2
4 9 0 0 5 3
5 8 0 0 6 4
6 6 0 0 0 5
1 77 0 2 0 0


The next scripts are looking for the txt.done.data file instead of the uniphone.data file. Copying the uniphone.data file and renaming it to txt.done.data solves this problem.

Extracting pitchmarks

The simplest way to extract the pitchmarks from the records is to use the command

./bin/make_pm_wave wav/*.wav

without tuning any parameters.

Festival make_pm

Festival : make_pm

The 3 files uniph_0001.pm, uniph_0002.pm and uniph_0003.pm are saved in the folder pm. They have the following type of content :

EST_File Track
DataType ascii
NumFrames 271
NumChannels 0
NumAuxChannels 0
EqualSpace 0
BreaksPresent true
0.016750 1
0.023312 1
0.030125 1
0.037250 1
0.044625 1
2.070750 1
2.081512 1
2.092275 1
2.103038 1
2.113800 1
2.124563 1

Find Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients

In the next stage the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients are defined synchronously with the pitch periods

./bin/make_mcep wav/*.wav
Festival make_mcep

Festival : make_mcep

The 3 files uniph_0001.mcep, uniph_0002.mcep and uniph_0003.mcep are saved in the folder mcep. They have the following type of content :

EST_File Track
DataType binary
ByteOrder 01
NumFrames 271
NumChannels 12
EqualSpace 0
BreaksPresent true
CommentChar ;

Channel_0 melcep_1
Channel_1 melcep_2
Channel_2 melcep_3
Channel_3 melcep_4
Channel_4 melcep_5
Channel_5 melcep_6
Channel_6 melcep_7
Channel_7 melcep_8
Channel_8 melcep_9
Channel_9 melcep_10
Channel_10 melcep_11
Channel_11 melcep_N

Building Synthesizer

Building the cluster unit selection synthesizer is the main part of the voice creation. It’s done with the command

festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_clunits 
Festival : build synthesizer (click to enlarge)

Festival : build synthesizer (click to enlarge)

The following files are created :

  • folder festival/clunits : file mbarnig_en_marco.catalogue
  • folder festival/feats : 41 files  [phoneme-name].feats
  • folder festival/trees : 41 files [phoneme-name].tree
  • folder festival/trees : file mbarnig_en_marco.tree

The file mbarnig_en_marco.catalogue has the following type of content :

EST_File index
DataType ascii
NumEntries 46
IndexName mbarnig_en_marco
pau_5 uniph_0001 0.000000 0.007500 0.015000
ax_0 uniph_0001 0.015000 0.070000 0.125000
hh_0 uniph_0001 0.125000 0.180000 0.235000
ow_0 uniph_0001 0.235000 0.302500 0.370000
l_0 uniph_0001 0.370000 0.450000 0.530000
jh_0 uniph_0001 0.530000 0.590000 0.650000
oy_0 uniph_0001 0.650000 0.760000 0.870000
er_0 uniph_0003 1.150000 1.205000 1.260000
m_0 uniph_0003 1.260000 1.320000 1.380000
ay_0 uniph_0003 1.380000 1.480000 1.580000
k_0 uniph_0003 1.580000 1.615000 1.650000
pau_0 uniph_0003 1.650000 1.650000 1.650000

A xx.feats file has the following type of content :

0 w - r 0 0 0 0 l + z - f 0 0 0 0 a + 0.11000001 128.271 130.7258 
126.721 1 coda coda onset 1 1 0 0 1 1 single oy + 0 2 d 3 + 0 0 0 0 
content content content

A xx.tree file has the following type of content :

((((0 0)) 0))
;; Right cluster 0 (0%) mean ranking 2 mean distance 0

The mbarnig_en_marco.tree file has the following type of content :

;; Autogenerated list of selection trees
;; db_dir "./"
;; db_dir "."
;; name mbarnig_en_marco
;; index_name mbarnig_en_marco
;; f0_join_weight 0
;; join_weights (0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5)
;; trees_dir "festival/trees/"
;; catalogue_dir "festival/clunits/"
;; coeffs_dir "mcep/"
;; coeffs_ext ".mcep"
;; clunit_name_feat lisp_mbarnig_en_marco::clunit_name
;; join_method windowed
;; continuity_weight 5
;; optimal_coupling 1
;; extend_selections 2
;; pm_coeffs_dir "mcep/"
;; pm_coeffs_ext ".mcep"
;; sig_dir "wav/"
;; sig_ext ".wav"
;; disttabs_dir "festival/disttabs/"
;; utts_dir "festival/utts/"
;; utts_ext ".utt"
;; dur_pen_weight 0
;; f0_pen_weight 0
;; get_stds_per_unit t
;; ac_left_context 0.8
;; ac_weights (0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5)
;; feats_dir "festival/feats/"
;; feats (occurid p.name p.ph_vc p.ph_ctype p.ph_vheight p.ph_vlng 
p.ph_vfront p.ph_vrnd p.ph_cplace p.ph_cvox n.name n.ph_vc 
n.ph_ctype n.ph_vheight n.ph_vlng n.ph_vfront n.ph_vrnd n.ph_cplace 
n.ph_cvox segment_duration seg_pitch p.seg_pitch n.seg_pitch 
R:SylStructure.parent.stress seg_onsetcoda n.seg_onsetcoda 
p.seg_onsetcoda R:SylStructure.parent.accented pos_in_syl 
syl_initial syl_final R:SylStructure.parent.lisp_cg_break 
R:SylStructure.parent.position_type pp.name pp.ph_vc pp.ph_ctype 
pp.ph_vheight pp.ph_vlng pp.ph_vfront pp.ph_vrnd pp.ph_cplace 
pp.ph_cvox n.lisp_is_pau p.lisp_is_pau 
;; wagon_field_desc "festival/clunits/all.desc"
;; wagon_progname "$ESTDIR/bin/wagon"
;; wagon_cluster_size 20
;; prune_reduce 0
;; cluster_prune_limit 40
;; files (uniph_0001 uniph_0002 uniph_0003)
(set! clunits_selection_trees '(
("k" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("ay" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("m" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("er" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("zh" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("ae" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("ch" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("eh" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("jh" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("l" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("ow" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("hh" ((((0 0)) 0)))
("ax" ((((0 0)) 0)))
((((0 67.455) (1 100) (2 66.73) (3 100) (4 67.43) (5 100)) 83.6025)))

Install new voice

In the last step I created the folder


and copied the following folders from the voice directory


into this folder :

  • festival
  • festvox
  • mcep
  • wav

We can now check if the voice is recognized

festival> (voice.list)
Festival : voice.list

Festival : voice.list

load the new voice

festival> (voice_mbarnig_en_marco_clunits)

and test the synthesis

festival> (SayText "Hello Marco, how are you?")
Festival : SayText

Festival : SayText

It works as expected.

The following folders in the voice folder Festival-TTS/festvox/mbarnig_en_marco remained empty :

  • emu, including 2 empty subfolders lab_hlb and pm_hlb
  • f0
  • group
  • lar
  • lpc
  • phr
  • pm_lab
  • recording
  • scratch, including 2 empty subfolders lab and wav
  • syl
  • versions
  • wrd