Electronic publishing (e-publishing) includes the digital publication of e-books, digital magazines, and the development of digital libraries and catalogues.
One of the leaders in electronic publishing is Issuu, which was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2006 by Michael Hansen, Ruben Bjerg Hansen, Mikkel Jensen, and Martin Ferro-Thomsen. Issuu is a digital newsstand with over 21 million publications and 85 million active readers, featuring titles in fashion, culture, arts, and more, all of which are accessible on any device. In 2014, issuu released Clip, a tool that allows readers to take a snapshot of any part of a publication and share that on social media or through email.
Here are some thumbnails of the magazines currently available for reading at the Issuu platform :

Magazines on the electronic publishing platform Issuu
The Current Master Volume 1 Publication by World Wide Art Books (WWAB) and related publications about art and culture are shown at the Issuu website. Some magazines are shown below :

Art Magazines on the electronic publishing platform Issuu
Issuu offers a free basic account to start with the upload of own publications.