My Vintage Equipments

Function Generator ZE 331
Function Generator ZE 331

Bibliographie Kurzbeschreibung Funktionsgenerator

Electronic Mill Game
Electronic Mill Game

The followers of #ComputerHistory may be interested in the electronic mill game board that I designed in 1976 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. It was used to teach the concept of bits (on/off), bytes (8 bits in a square) and communication protocols (hand-shaking) between computers and…
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Microcomputer system MC6800
Microcomputer system MC6800

The development of the the microcomputer system MC6800 started in late 1975 at the Institute of Electronics of the ETHZ by Dr. Rolf Zinniker, Dr. Kurt Mühlemann and myself. The system was based on the  8-bit microprocessor 6800 designed and first manufactured by Motorola in 1974. The operation of the…
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